Why Savr?
Recently at the till as I put in my card, I thought, WTAF. How is it that much? Where is all this going? I had no idea what I was actually spending on. I’d grab a trolley, fill it up, and head to the till with barely a thought.

Then I started to track it.
I monitored what I was buying, how often, and at what price. And I saw the truth: my shopping had become automatic, unconscious.
I’d buy the same things without asking myself if I needed them. I’d buy things because they’re on offer.
And as I tracked, something clicked — my choices in the supermarket became conscious.
Do I need these strawberries, when other types of fruit were in season and cheaper?
What actually is the price per 100g, and if I paid more now for the bigger jar it’s actually 20% cheaper.
Over a few months, with some conscious changes to my shopping habits, I’d save £100s of pounds a year - enough to cover Christmas.

Here's the thing
Supermarkets have been tracking our habits for years.They know what we buy, how often, and what we’re drawn to.
They’ve used our own data to influence our choices. They won’t ever change that because it is not in their interest to do so.
That doesn’t even upset me - it’s their business and they bring plentiful, cheap food within minutes of our homes.

Savr gives you the choice
Put our own data in our own hands. With Savr, you’re not just cutting back on spending; you’re taking back control. You’re giving yourself the chance to change your consumption habits and save you money.
Stop buying things full stop, the extras that they tempt you into buying with discounts.
Swap products to ones that mean more to you. Whether that’s healthier, cheaper or greener.
Start shopping smarter for those items you buy regularly, buy in bulk and source elsewhere for less.

Make every purchase count.
Stop. Swap. Save.
Save money
The cost to householders of purchasing food that was subsequently wasted in 2021/22 was £17 billion, £250 per person each year or £1000 per household of 4 people.
Waste less
In 2021/22, 6.4 million tonnes of food and drink waste was generated from UK households. This equates to 95 kg per person per year or 341 kg per household of 4 people.